Do you have a checklist?

checklist that includes heightage, the colour of hair, interests, and many more! Somehow, most of us have a checklist when we look for someone to love! What’s on your checklist?

The list gets longer after each painful heart-broken experience! Why do we add more to the list after being hurt? It is because we try to protect the vulnerable self and the heart. I have seen friends or people almost become paralyzed by it and not willing to give a chance on someone that maybe the ‘one’. Online dating or friends set up a blind date or a friend, the mind says, “No!” as soon as the eyes see one thing does not match the checklist. It could be the lipstick colour is too red! He has a messy hairstyle! Sounds silly but those were some real reasons from people! I have seen many people hold on so tight to their checklist through their 30s, 40s, and the rest of their lives.  Some wish they would’ve given a certain person a chance when they realized that time is running out!  

One of the items on my list was ‘never enter a long-distance relationship’ because it won’t work! For him, he would never ask a girl out because of his fear of rejection. However, our hearts felt so strongly about each other and we took a chance. It was a mutual friend introduced us during his visit in 2014. We have thousands of miles between us. What a the odds that this could work! If we didn’t listen to our hearts and took the chance, we would never know the feeling of being truly loved! Instead of hold on tight to the checklist, we hold on to our love!

There are many successful love stories and keep believing that it can happen! It is worth it to throw out the checklist for a chance to experience true love deep in the heart! Take a chance and, let your heart to guide you because it only speaks the truth! 
